Friday, April 16, 2010

It seems introductions are in order!

My name is Kristen, I'm 24 years old and I currently work as a Certified Pharmacy Technician at a local hospital. I have always been overweight, my entire life, for as long as I can remember. Food has consistently been my enemy, my best friend, my confidant, my Judas. I'm ready to stop relying on it as a comfort and start relying on it as fuel for a healty body. Today is the beginning of a new way of being for me. I hope that by keeping this blog, someone out there will read it and in reading it keep me motivated to continue on this path to health.

Now I'm sure you're asking yourself: 'Why is a 24 year old so concerned with her health that she would do something so drastic?' A valid point if I do say so. I've always told myself that I was okay with my size, until I got on the scale the other day and saw that I was five pounds away from three-hundred. NOT GOOD! I never thought I would hit that number and now as I find myself leaning over the edge I see this as my only way to come back from that precipice. On top of the weight, I have been prescribed on two blood-pressure medications, three allergy meds, and two anti-anxiety/anti-depression meds. Someone my age shouldn't need to go to the pharmacy every month for a haul of pill bottles.

As midnight quickly approaches and I start my juicing tomorrow, I see a night of binging ahead of me, to get it out of my system. I'm sure I won't be able to dive right into raw as I begin, but rather taper out meats and dairy products, but I am willing to do my best to go it cold turkey vegan. No meat, no cheese, no milk. It's not going to be easy, I know that, but I NEED to do this. Come hell or high water.

My goal for right now, is to get to an all liquid diet in two weeks. That's my next weekend off from work and I want to start The Master Cleanse then. I will try to post every day with a log of everything I've eaten and calorie intake. And I am looking into doing Vlog's along the way as well so this becomes a bit more personal, thanks for reading!!!

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